Serving the steel Tube and Pipe Industry since 2008 Manufacturers of China's most advanced and fastest Cold Saw Cut-offs
The company "SUTEX INDUSTRY" is a stable, dynamically developing company specializing in the manufacture and supply of industrial equipment for the manufacture and processing of rolled metal products of various sizes and degrees of complexity, on the provision of services (installation supervision, personnel training, equipment repair, etc.). All equipment and materials for rolled metal products comply with international quality standards and Russian GOSTs.
Among our line of supplies is a complete range of Pipe and Tube Mill Machinery for structural, automotive.boiler, APl and other applications, Tube Finishing Equipment and Slitting Lines - all manufactured under oneroof in collaboration with M/s Manfred Olk Rohrwerkstechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Germany.Our in house design section is duly equipped with 3-D software like COPRA, Pro- Engineer by PTc, USA andSolid Edge by Siemens, Germany.
Our advantage - Production and delivery of only high quality equipment and its service, competitive prices, shortest delivery times. We have selected the most reliable suppliers as partners, so you can always be sure that the order will be executed in strict accordance with the contract and the equipment will serve for several decades.
SUTEX IND. also has the distinction of being a leading supplier of on line NC Flying Cold Saw Cut-off whichfacilitates burr free tube cutting.
With the use of our Cold Saw our customers are able to cut their tubes with an excellent finish, without havingto end-face them. This feature is particularly advantageous for square and rectangular tubes and helps providea definite edge over competition.
Most parts of SUTEX IND. machines are produced in-house on CNc machines, With our supporting team of highhexperienced and trained professionals, we have the capacity to meet the challenging reguirements of the industry at highly competitive prices.
We are consortium partners with 色码图 for the production of smallTube Mils in China. 五公司 has been working with us since the past many years for developing oflinetube cuttig solutions.
We have firmly upheld our belief in total quality management, which we practise in each facet of work. The lSO9001:2000 certification stands testimony to our quality commitment, besides the touching loyalty of ourcustomers in the markets across the word.
Our advantage - Production and delivery of only high quality equipment and its service, competitive prices, shortest delivery times. We have selected the most reliable suppliers as partners, so you can always be sure that the order will be executed in strict accordance with the contract and the equipment will serve for several decades.
Mission of the SUTEX INDUSTRY Group of Companies
We are ready to provide our clients with a full range of services related to the organization of production of equipment for rolled metal. Our relations with partners are based on honesty, reliability and openness.
We are also engaged in the development of logistics, this allows us to deliver goods in the shortest possible time in the most optimal way - by rail, road or sea transport.
In addition, we supply low-cost equipment for foreign customers - used equipment from china (pipe welding equipment, stainless steel welding machines, used metal machines, used high frequency devices, used computers, flying saws, etc. Because used equipment in two - three times cheaper than a new one.
Our company will clean, dismantle, level, polish and varnish old equipment to ensure the stable operation of the repaired equipment, process the equipment passport, certificate of origin, and export, our engineers will also help the customer at the customer's factory to complete the process setup, mechanical and electrical installation and commissioning into operation to ensure the release of the product.
We are looking for permanent partners for cooperation and joint development!